How to find what you’re looking for

There are multiple ways to use this guide:

Planning your Years 11 and 12 program of learning is not about ‘locking in’ a decision for your future career – it’s about exploring your interests, abilities and goals, and the types of things you will need to do in the future if you want to achieve those goals.

When deciding on a program of learning make sure you:

  • Choose courses that will enable you to obtain the Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE)
  • Plan a two year program relevant to your goals and interests, keeping in mind that some courses have pre-requisites
  • Read the course details carefully and ask your teachers for more information if you need it
  • Consider any pre-requisite courses that may be required for study at either TasTAFE or university after you complete year 12

You can choose to do a combination of vocational education and training (VET) and Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC) courses. There are also additional offerings you can add to your planned program of Learning such as University Connections and High Achiever Programs as well as the General Capabilities Short qualifications. There are Recognised Formal Learning that you might also include.

Learning Areas